Hari ni nk citer ape ek? Erm..dh alang2 ader blog nih bole la aku share sket sebnyk tempat2 menarik yg penah aku pegi.Konon2 mengabdikan saat menarik dan bahagia aku semasa hidup nih.Mane la tau kan nnt dh tua2 then time dh ade anak cucu.Bleh gak diorg tgk gmbr2 opah n atuk diorg mase dolu2 kan.Wah hebat kan?vogue gitu..haha!!!Berangan kan..tp tak mustahil jd kenyataan coz zaman skarang pun dh cukup hebat.Nnt2 ape tah lg kan.
Mase ni kitorg mula2 kawen dulu.Gediks nk g honeymoon kat Bali.hehe!!Almaklum la kan org kate Bali best utk berbulan madu.Nasib baik ader Airasia.Merasa gak la pegi sane...Kitorg pegi sini 4 org maksudnye 2couple la.Aku n hubby and pasangan meni&azrin.Diorg pun last minute ckp nk join coz diorg pun nk honeymoon gak.Kalo nk tau tarikh kenduri umh hubby aku n umh azrin same tau.So Bali la our choice=)
Mmg byk tempat2 menarik kat sane mcm Kintamani Volcano,Bedugul,Lovina Beach,Hot Spring Banjar,Tanah Lot dan Kuta.Kalo nk citer mmg byk sgt tempat2 nye sampai aku pun tak ingt.Mcm ne kitorg g sane?Aku ni jenis yg tak suke guna khidmat agent2 perlancongan.So aku wat itternary sendiri base pade buku and google dr tenet ler.Kenape aku wat mcmtu? Sbb aku nih de angan2 nk bkk syarikat perlancongan sendiri.hahaha!!so harusla kene pandai riki tempat kan.=)
Kitorg dok kt Kuta Beach resort yg mmg letak nye harusla kat kuta kan.Mmg agak dekat la jugak coz bole je jenjln tanpa gune kan khidmat teksi atau pak supir kalo nk jenjln kt beach dier yg dekat ngn Hard Rock Cafe tue..tp itu kalo malam hari la coz along da way mmg byk sgt kedai2 yg boleh membuatkan kite lupe bape jauh kite jln.hehe!!
Sebelah siangnye aku byr kat pak supir la utk byk kitorg g jenjln coz tempat2 nye jauh2 gak.Pak supir tu namanye Pak Nyoman Suntayasa.Orang nye sgt baik n peramah giler.Siap bwk kitorg balik ke umh dia coz kitorg ni tak penah tgk mcm ne umh2 org bali nih.Agak pelik gak umh diorg coz de penjuru2 n dlm rumah de byk rumah.hehe!!kite mcm dapur kire satu rumah,ruang tamu satu rumah and tempat sembahyang satu rumah.Pelik tak?mesti korang tak leh bygkan.Tp maaf lah coz time tu lupe nk amik gmbr.
Erm kt sini aku share lar kitorg nye ittenery yg tak seberape nih mane tau kot2 ade antara korg yg berhajat nk pegi.Tak kisah lar honeymoon ke,jenjln ke or utk melihat tempat org kan.Tp maafla kalo pic tak bape nk clear sbb copy dr email kan.huhu!!So ni ler antara ayat2 kt dlm email tu aku copy paste blk kot2 korg tak leh nk bace kan.=)
Ops.. before aku lupe nih aku serta kan website utk amik pak supir nih as supir korg kt sane nnt.Merasa gak la kan jd "mem @ bos"heheh!!!Ni website nye: www.bali-day-trip.com/bali-driver-car.html
Dear Polos,
We need more information about our 1st day trips
As u said,it start at 3am from kuta and will be end around 3pm.
so is it we have enough time to complete all the tour b4 3pm?Because a lot of place that we need to cover in ur Tour 06 package :
1. Temple in the lake ( Bratan Lake ),
2. Buyan Lake , Tamblingan Lake and Munduk Village
3. Banjar Hot Spring Pool
4. Brahma Arama Vihara Buddhist Monastery
5. Lovina Beach
6. Gigit Waterfall
As u mention in your website this tour cost IDR600,000.Then we add to see dolfin.
So u said that u can make it all (tour 06 + see dolfin) = IDR1100,000.
Then for the 2nd day.
We agree with your price IDR450,000 for this places:
2. Mount Batur volcano
3.Tanah Lot temple.
and it start at 8.30 and end after sunset time around 7pm.Right?
So,total cost for 2days trip are IDR 1550,000.
if u don't have any objection so we comfirm for these 2 day trips with u.
maybe u can send us the full tentative for our trips (1st & 2nd day).
Thank you for ur cooperation.
best regards ;
Ni plak antara Picture2 yg dirakam kan time kt sane.Tak byk sgt la tp ade la utk tatapan n kenangan.Aku buat folder slide show,so korg nk view kene la click kt button play tu ye...selamatttt...
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